We implement modules; We DEPLOY experiences! 3 Ways To Success
One of the things that I see daily in working with enterprises around the world is that we still aren't doing a great job of differentiating between vendor modules that we IMPLEMENT and the experiences we DEPLOY to the workforce.
“There is a HUGE difference between implementation of modules and deployment of experiences and something that is very important for us all to understand. ”
As we work with our various software vendors that make up our HR/workforce technology solution, we often are looking at modules from here and module from there to solve a business demand. While we are doing a great job (and spend too much time many times analyzing a feature here versus a feature there), the biggest mistake we can make is to not explore the difference between a module and an experience and how we can guarantee success and return on our investment.
I love these definitions to help make my point:
MODULE - a set of standardized parts or independent units that can be used to construct a more complex structure
EXPERIENCE - a complex set of pieces and parts put together to create a seamless physical, emotional and perception.
You see, based on the above definitions; modules are a component of an experience (worker experience in this case); but do not make up the entire component. To create the experience we need to take:
REINVENTION + Creativity + Strategy + Module + Process + Change + Culture + Workforce Listening + Personalization + Demographic + Connectedness + Data Outcomes = Experience
Where many organizations stop is simply thinking about implementing a MODULE and hoping that it sticks. Below are a few tips I have to make sure this doesn't happen and I LOVE TALKING to organizations of all types; vendors and enterprises about this, so please don't hesitate to reach out to jasonaverbook@gmail.com or jason@jasonaverbook.com with questions.
1) A software vendors job is to create the complex module required to meet the technical requirements of a complex business process. The software vendors job is not necessarily responsible for making sure that this module integrates into the rest of your enterprise HR/workforce technology strategy; your enterprise data strategy or making sure that your organization truly needs and knows the value of such a module. Once again, module + the other pieces mentioned above = successful deployment. Don't blame the software vendor and it should always be assumed that you can never just take a module, have a vendor or partner put it in, and assume it will be successful. It is like a heart replacement where you finally get a new heart, drop it in, and don't connect it to anything. REJECTION occurs which is more than likely what you will experience.
2) An experience is what the workforce (employees, managers, applicants, retirees) are looking for. They are not looking to jump from module to module; doing pieces and parts here and there. It doesn't happen with consumer apps and CANNOT happen in business apps. If it does, organ rejection will occur and your investment will start to bleed out before it begins. You must map your overall workforce experience, WHICH WILL INCLUDE MULTIPLE VENDORS (GUARANTEED) and think about what this will look like before you begin a deployment. If you do not, you will implement a module not deploy an experience and will more than likely be doing nothing more than putting lipstick on a pig process.
3) Organizations must realize that an experience crosses all of the artificial silos that we have created within the enterprise and the workforce could care less about our departments such as Talent Acquisition, Talent Management, Payroll, HR Operations, HR Technology, COE's, etc. This is like checking into a hotel and having to check into each of the departments such as the gift shop, the room, the spa, the housekeeping function, the concierge all separately. Imagine that experience; time to look elsewhere. Silos must be broken down in ALL CASES when deploying experiences and if this cant happen, you might as well stop spending the money. Governance and overall collaboration amongst every part of the organization that touches the experience and journey is required before implementation of the module and deployment of the experience begin. If you don't have this, do it NOW!
This is just a start but wanted to get this out there. I see SO MANY implementations that are missing the experiential factor only realizing that they are going to have to go back and do it later. In the world I watch, later almost always equals never and never equals time to shop for a new vendor (or in other words, the circle continues) without HR making progress.
“We live in an era with the best technology available to us that has ever existed. Lets not waste it team!”
Another infusion of knowledge...
Lots of building required to move from module to experience for the workforce!